MY-YTJ3826/3829 Intelligent glass loading and cutting machine
The MY-YTJ3826 [Film Removal Model] cutting machine features automatic sheet loading, automatic pressure control, automatic edge finding, Low-e film removal, optimized software, air flotation system, and breaking table, among other functions. It can be remotely controlled to move 360 degrees, and has the advantages of occupying a small area, being easy to move, and high efficiency.
MY-YTJ3826/3829Intelligent glass loading and cutting machine YTJ3826/3829 intelligent glass loading and cutting machine consists of two systems: loading and cutting machine and air-floating breaking table. It integrates automatic loading, automatic optimization layout, automatic labeling, automatic cutting, automatic transportation and air-floating breaking table, and realizes automatic operation of glass cutting process. The machine is equipped with power walking wheels, which can be controlled by remote control in the working area for easy shifting. The machine can realize straight and special-shaped cutting of glass, and is suitable for architectural glass, furniture glass, craft glass, decorative glass, cabinet glass, glass mirror, etc.
Thepressureof the cutting head is controlled by an electromechanicalprecisionpressure valve.Theuniformoutputpressureofthecylinderallowsthecutting headto perfectly fit the glass surface for cutting, thus avoiding the cuttingphenomenoncausedbyglassqualityproblems .
Whencuttingglass, thecuttingoilisautomaticallyfilledusing pneumaticpressurecontrol,andmovessynchronouslywiththecutting head through the PLC control system .
Optimization software andspecial-shaped libraries
CompatiblewiththestandardGcodeofItalianOPTIMAoptimizationsoftwareanddomesticGuiyousoftware: achievingversatility in processing files in different formats.
Intelligentspecial-shaped scanning:Thedetectorcanintelligentlyscanspecial-shapedtemplates andfeedbacktoautomaticallygenerategraphics.Thetemplatescanbe made ofvarious types of materials to achieve profiling cutting.
Telescopicboomandautomatic loading
Equippedwith 3bigarms, eachbigarmisequippedwith4sets ofNBRsuctioncupstoabsorbglass, ensuringthestabilityandreliability of loading large glass sheets.
Glassloading adoptsatelescopicarmstructure, whichreplacestheoldmodelof movingthewholemachinetotaketheglass,andcompletelyrealizes automaticloadingwithoutmanualintervention.Telescopicarmloading not only provides better safety, but also doubles the loading efficiency.
Glassloadinghas an anti-stripfunction,whicheffectively prevents safetyhazards caused by two pieces of glass adsorbing together.
Machinewalkingandcylinder locking
Remote controlcontrolsthemachinetodrivethewalkingreducertorealizeany turning and walking in the work workshop.
Aftermachinewalkingandglassloading, beforethecuttingoperation,thefootcylinderautomaticallyworksto stopthemachinebody, ensuringthestabilityofthecuttingprocessand ease of operation.
Air floating countertop
Cuttingtableandbreakingtableare equippedwithairholes,andcentrifugalfansprovidehigh-pressure airflowto facilitatethetransportation or shifting of glass while preventing scratches on the table.
Breaking table and auxiliarybreaking ejector rod
Breaking tableisequipped with1horizontaland2verticalejectorrods, whichare pushed byacylindertofacilitatecustomers'opening operations after cutting.Ejectorrodismade of steel+ aluminumalloy+ soft PVC strips, which is not easy to deform and scratch the glass.
Whenselectingthenon-breakingtable, youcanchoosetoinstall1 horizontaland2verticalbreakingejectorrodsonthecuttingtableto facilitate the glass opening operation.
Glass conveying
Afterglasscutting,glassistransportedtotheair flotationbreakingtablethroughthreesynchronousconveyingbeltsand the air flotation system for breaking operations.
Automatic rail lubrication
Glasscuttingmachineguiderailautomaticlubricationsystemcan realize automatic lubrication, reduce manual intervention, and improve the stability and reliability of lubrication.
Lubricationremindercanbeset.Whenlubricationisneeded, presstheoilfillingbuttonfor10secondstocompletetheoperation, which is easy to operate.
Servo motor direct drive structure
Itadopts servomotordirectdrivestructure, whichisdirectlydrivenbyXandYaxisservo motors without using belts.
Withhighprecisionand low noise, it is the preferred structure for high-end CNC equipment.
Automatic voltage control
。Automaticpressurecontrolsystemusesahigh-precision pressure regulating valve to control the pressure of the cutting head. Thecutting pressure is evenly output, making it easy to break the slices.
Whencuttingglassofdifferentthicknesses, there is no need to manually adjust the pressure. The cuttingsystemmatchesthecorrespondingpressureaccordingtotheoptimized thickness of the original glass sheet, which is easy to operate.
Voltage detection
Voltagedetectioncandisplaythevoltagecondition duringoperationinrealtime,andcooperatewiththemachine'salarm system to easily monitor the machine's working condition .
Automatic labeling
Replacemanuallabeling.Theprinterautomaticallyprints outalabelrecordingtheglassinformation,andthefingersofthelabelingcylindergrabthelabelandstickitonthesurfaceofthe correspondingglasspiece.Thestandardmachineheadforlabelinghas highlabelingefficiency.(Customersarerecommendedtoconfigurethelabeling function )
Labels can besetwithmultiplecontents,suchas:glasssize, customer information, serial number, process, QR code, etc.
al config ur at ion
High performance LOW-Efilm removal device
The width of the film removal wheel used to remove the low-e layer is 20 mm or 25 mm (please note clearly when placing an order) . It has an automatic dust removal function. The dust removal function is automatically turned on after the film removal function is turned on . It has an automatic compensation function and a precision pressure reducing valve controls the pressure of the grinding wheel. There is no need to adjust the film removal depth during use. Can remove rectangular and special shapes.
Three fires and one ground wire380V(special voltages